Open doors for prospective engineers

Students from the Cooperative University visit Zimmer Group

On Thursday, April 11, Zimmer Group welcomed 6th semester mechanical engineering, design and development students to the company headquarters for an informative day full of discoveries and learning experiences.

Under the guidance of Martin Neubarth, laboratory engineer in the mechanical engineering department, the young engineers were given insights into the diverse processes and technical solutions of the KNOW-HOW FACTORY. Zimmer Group employees, including Maria Maurath (Team Leader Recruiting), Klaus Burkart (Area Sales Manager) and Klaus Tritt (Technical Consulting and Sales), provided an insight into the company and guided the group through the production facilities with expertise and enthusiasm.

The program included presentations and factory tours. The students were surprised by the broad product portfolio. Zimmer Group is not “just” about grippers - a misconception that was gladly dispelled. In addition to handling, damping and linear technology as well as machine and system technology, the students learned about Zimmer Group's various process technologies. They gained valuable insights into assembly and production and were able to follow the path of the products from development to packaging. The eventful day was rounded off with lunch together in the company restaurant, where there were lively discussions about technologies, innovations and career opportunities.

With this day, Zimmer Group once again underlined its commitment to training and promoting young talent in the technical field. As a partner of the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative University Karlsruhe, the company itself offers dual study programs in order to optimally combine theory and practice and to inspire and promote future specialists.

Studierende der Dualen Hochschule Karlsruhe bei der Zimmer Group
Zukunft gemeinsam gestalten: Studierende entdeckten die Faszination Automatisierungstechnik beim Schnuppertag in der Zentrale der Zimmer Group.